Best eMule Servers List In 2024

eMule is a peer-to-peer file-sharing tool available for free on Microsoft Windows and Linux. eMule, which began in May 2002 as an alternative to eDonkey2000, currently links to both the eDonkey and the Kad networks. The direct exchange of sources between client nodes, the quick recovery of botched downloads, and the implementation of a credit system to incentivize frequent uploaders are the distinctive aspects of eMule. Furthermore, to reduce bandwidth, eMule transmits data in the Zlib-compressed form.

eMule is written in C++ and employs the Microsoft Foundation Classes. eMule has been free software since July 2002, licensed under the GNU General Public License. Because of its popularity, the codebase of eMule has been utilized as the foundation of cross-platform clients aMule, JMule, and Smule, as well as the publication of several eMule mods (modifications of the original eMule) on the Internet.

With over 685 million downloads as of August 2017, it is the fourth most downloaded project on SourceForge.

The community later began development as eMule Community; the most recent stable version is 0.60d.

History of eMule

Hendrik Breitkreuz (also known as Merkur) founded the eMule project on May 13, 2002, after becoming unsatisfied with the initial eDonkey2000 client. More developers eventually joined the endeavor. On July 6, 2002, the code was released in version 0.02 and uploaded on SourceForge.

On August 4, 2002, version 0.05a of eMule was published as a binary. On September 14, 2002, the ‘Credit System’ was initially established in version 0.19a. On December 8, 2002, the eMule project website went live.

Support for the Kad network has been introduced to recent versions of eMule (v0.40+). This network uses a distributed hash table to implement the Kademlia protocol, which does not rely on central servers as the eDonkey network does.

Recent versions also introduced the option to search using Unicode, which allows for searches for files in non-Latin alphabets, as well as the ability to search servers for files with entire sources of incomplete files on the eDonkey network.

A “Bad source list” was introduced in later versions. After one failed connection, the program adds an IP address to this list. When an IP address is added to the “Bad source list,” the program considers it “dead.” Unavailable IP addresses are blacklisted for 15 to 45 minutes. Some customers have reported that it causes a loss of active sources, which reduces download speed.

Other recent enhancements include the option to run eMule from a user account with limited capabilities (thereby increasing security) and Intelligent Corruption Management (so that a corrupted chunk does not need to be re-downloaded entirely).

The 0.46b version included the ability to create and administer “eMule collection” files, which contain a list of links to files that are intended to be downloaded as a group.

Many ISPs have utilized bandwidth limiting for standard P2P ports since 2007, resulting in sluggish performance.

[6] In the 0.47b version, protocol obfuscation is added, and eMule will choose two port numbers at random in the starting wizard.

Basic Concept

Using the MD4 technique, each file transferred via eMule is hashed as a hash list comprised of discrete 9500 KiB pieces. On eD2k servers and the serverless Kad network, the top-level MD4 hash, file size, filename, and numerous secondary search characteristics such as bit rate and codec are saved.

Users may search the servers/kad for filenames and are supplied with the filenames as well as the unique identifier consisting of the top-level MD4 hash for the file and the file’s size, which can be added to their downloads. The client then queries the servers to see where the other clients are utilizing that hash. The servers produce a list of IP addresses and ports that correspond to the locations of the clients who share the file.

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eMule then requests the file from the peers. After that, eMule will be queued until an upload slot becomes available.

When a whole chunk of 9,728,000 bytes (9500 KiB) is downloaded and authenticated, the downloader shares this data with others, allowing them to download the file as well.

It is also conceivable that a client is aware of other clients who are sharing the same file. In that instance, a source exchange occurs between the clients. This peer-to-peer transaction occurs directly between peers.

AICH is supported by newer versions of eMule (Advanced Intelligent Corruption Handling). It is intended to compete with BitTorrent in terms of corruption management in eMule. For each 180 KiB sub-chunk, SHA-1 hashes are computed, and an SHA-1 hash tree is built. AICH is only processed through peer-to-peer source exchanges. Because eMule requires 10 agreed peers for the SHA-1 hash, unusual files do not benefit from AICH.

eMule Server List around the world

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In summary, eMule servers play an important role in the eMule file-sharing network by facilitating connections, enabling faster searches, and incentivizing users to share files. While eMule maintains a decentralized peer-to-peer structure, servers help provide an index of available files across the network.

They also offer community features like chat rooms. By improving the capabilities of the network while retaining its basic decentralized nature, eMule servers demonstrate how a peer-to-peer system can gain some of the benefits of a centralized indexing system without fully sacrificing its core vision. The eMule network shows how servers can effectively augment peer-to-peer architectures.

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