Download Project64 N64 Emulator & Full Setup Guide 2023

The Nintendo 64 (N64) was one of the most iconic gaming consoles ever made. Released in 1996, the N64 introduced 3D graphics and analog control to Nintendo’s home consoles, revolutionizing video games. Popular N64 games like Super Mario 64, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and GoldenEye 007 remain revered classics to this day.

Unfortunately, N64 consoles and games can be difficult to find and expensive to purchase nowadays. This is where emulators come in handy. Emulators allow you to play N64 games on your modern PC by mimicking the N64 hardware and software. One of the best N64 emulators available is Project64.

What is Project64?

Project64 is a powerful and highly compatible Nintendo 64 emulator for Windows PCs. First released in 2001, Project64 has become the most popular and widely-used N64 emulator over the past two decades.

Project64 emulates nearly all of the N64’s hardware features in software, enabling you to play original N64 games on your PC. It achieves a high degree of compatibility and accuracy, providing an authentic N64 experience on modern computers.

Some key features of Project64 include:

  • Accurate emulation of the N64’s VR4300 CPU and other processors
  • Support for nearly all N64 game controllers, including rumble pak
  • Save state support, enabling you to save your progress at any point
  • Graphical enhancements like higher resolutions and anti-aliasing
  • Online multiplayer support via Kaillera Netplay
  • High game compatibility, running most N64 titles flawlessly

In summary, Project64 gives you the ability to easily play your favorite N64 classics on your PC, just like you remember them on the original console. And thanks to enhancements provided by the emulator, games can potentially run and look better than ever before.

Downloading and Installing Project64

Downloading Project64 to your PC is simple and easy. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to get set up:

Step 1: Download the Latest Version of Project64

First, you’ll need to download the latest release of Project64. You can find the most up-to-date version on the official Project64 website:

On the downloads page, you should see the newest version of Project64 listed at the top. As of this writing, the latest version is 2.3.2.

Below the main Project64 download, you may also see additional plugins and other files. For now, you just need the Project64 application itself.

Step 2: Install Project64

Once you’ve downloaded the Project64 installer file, simply run it like any other program to begin the installation process.

The installation wizard will guide you through the process of installing Project64 on your PC. You can generally accept the default settings, but pay attention to:

  • The installation location on your hard drive
  • Any options related to creating desktop or start menu shortcuts

Once the wizard completes, Project64 will be installed and ready to launch on your computer!

Step 3: Download the Latest Plugins

To play games properly, Project64 requires some additional components called plugins. Plugins provide emulation for things like graphics, audio, and input.

The downloaded Project64 package comes with some default plugins, but you’ll get optimal performance using the latest versions. Visit the Project64 website again and go to the Plugins page to download the newest available plugins.

Download the following essential plugins:

  • Project64 Video Plugin– Provides graphics emulation, like OpenGL and Direct3D.
  • Azimer’s Audio Plugin– Handles audio emulation for N64 sound and music.
  • Input Plugin– Enables control via keyboard, gamepad, etc.

Extract and install these plugins into the Project64 plugin folders after downloading.

At this point, Project64 is installed and ready to go! You just need some N64 ROM image files to play.

Configuring Graphics Plugins for Best Performance

One of the most important plugins for Project64 is the graphics plugin, which handles emulating the N64’s visual output. Picking the right graphics plugin can significantly impact performance and compatibility.

Project64 supports several graphics plugins, with the best options being the Project64 Video Plugin using OpenGL or Direct3D. Here’s an overview of configuring these plugins for optimal performance:

OpenGL Graphics Plugin

The OpenGL graphics plugin leverages your computer’s GPU to render graphics similar to a modern game. This provides great speed and visual quality.

To set it up:

  1. In Project64, go to Options > Settings > Plugin Settings > GFx Plugin.
  2. Select the “GLideN64 (OpenGL)” plugin from the Plugin menu.
  3. Configure the graphics options as desired. Some recommendations:
    • Set the Texture Filter to “Bilinear filtering” for smoother visuals.
    • Enable VSync for reduced screen tearing.
    • Set Internal Resolution to 2-4x native N64 resolution.
  4. Save your settings and launch a game!

Direct3D Graphics Plugin

This graphics plugin can provide better compatibility on some systems.

To set it up:

  1. In Project64 plugin settings, choose the “Jabo Direct3D8 1.6.0” plugin.
  2. Adjust options like VSync, AA, and texture filtering as desired.
  3. Launch a game and enjoy Direct3D-rendered graphics!

Experiment with each plugin and settings to find what works best on your PC. Just make sure to apply your changes before launching a game.

Acquiring and Loading N64 Game ROMs

To play N64 games on Project64, you need the game data files themselves. These are typically distributed as ROM files and can be loaded into the emulator.

Legally, you can only use ROMs for games you physically own. Many sites distribute pirated ROMs, so be careful how you acquire your files. Your best option is to create legal backup copies from the original N64 game cartridges you purchased.

Once you have your legal N64 ROMs, loading them into Project64 is straightforward:

  1. In Project64, go to File > Open ROM.
  2. Browse your files and select your N64 ROM. Project64 supports both compressed (.zip, .7z) and uncompressed (.z64, .n64, .v64) formats.
  3. Select your ROM and click Open.
  4. The game should now launch!

Project64 also features handy auto-save state support. Your exact progress will be saved when you exit a game, so you can easily resume right where you left off.

Optimizing Performance and Compatibility

Project64 allows you to tweak various settings to help optimize game performance, compatibility, and graphics. Here are some key settings you can adjust:

General Emulation Options

  • Enable Compiled Jump: Helps performance by caching jump locations.
  • Disable Audio Signal: Disables audio processing for a minor speed boost.
  • Fixed Audio Timing: Reduces audio stuttering issues.

Increasing Graphics Performance

  • Lower graphics plugin resolution
  • Disable enhancements like anti-aliasing
  • Use lighter plugins like Jabo Direct3D instead of GLideN64

Fixing Graphics Issues

  • Try a different graphics plugin
  • Enable or disable frame buffer emulation
  • Disable texture enhancements and filtering

Improving Game Compatibility

  • Set ROM to Force Interpreter CPU mode for compatibility
  • Adjust RSP signal timing to match the game microcode
  • Enable memory exceptions to detect crashes

Don’t be afraid to experiment with the settings while testing games. Project64 also has game-specific compatibility fixes on their wiki that may help certain titles run better.

Project64 Troubleshooting Guide

Emulator issues can arise, but here are some common Project64 problems and potential solutions:

Graphics plugins not showing up

  • Make sure plugins are installed in Project64’s plugin folder. They should populate in Options > Settings.

Games crashing or running slowly

  • Try a different graphics plugin like Jabo Direct3D.
  • Disable unnecessary enhancements like anti-aliasing.
  • Set ROM to use Interpreter CPU mode instead of Recompiler.

Choppy audio

  • Enable the Fixed Audio Timing option.
  • Increase Audio Buffer size if needed.

Controller not responding

  • Configure your device in the Input Plugin settings.
  • Try a different input plugin if the device is not supported.

Can’t save game

  • Check that SRAM size matches game requirements.
  • Try enabling the Save Type Game Default option.

Black screen on startup

  • Disable frame buffer emulation in video plugin settings.

Missing textures or objects

  • Increase emulated RAM size up to 8MB if needed.

Sound effects missing or incorrect

  • Make sure RSP Signal Timing is set properly for the game.

The Project64 community forums are also a great place to search for game-specific issues and solutions. With some tweaking, you can usually get even tricky games running smoothly.

Play N64 Games Online with Project64 Netplay

One amazing feature provided by Project64 is its netplay capability. Netplay lets you play original N64 games online by syncing Project64 instances over the internet.

Here is how to set up netplay:

  1. Enable Netplay in Options > Settings > General Settings.
  2. Port forward UDP ports 4455-4459 on your router.
  3. Launch Project64 and host or join a netplay session.
  4. Invite your friends and play N64 games online together!

Project64 uses the Kaillera client for netplay hosting. You can configure settings like input latency and user kickback frames. Lower values yield more responsive netplay for fast-paced games.

With netplay, you can recreate the classic N64 multiplayer experience online with friends. Race in Mario Kart, battle in GoldenEye 007, or wage war in Perfect Dark together over the internet. It opens up tremendous nostalgic fun.

Enjoy Your Favorite N64 Classics on PC!

With Project64 properly set up, you can now relive your favorite N64 experiences on your Windows PC! The powerful emulator provides a great balance of performance, graphics, and compatibility to let you play all your favorite N64 titles.

From beloved games like Super Mario 64, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Donkey Kong 64, and StarFox 64 to legendary multiplayer titles like Mario Kart 64, GoldenEye, and Smash Bros, Project64 opens up the entire N64 library for enjoyment on modern PCs.

We’ve covered everything from downloading and configuring the emulator to optimizing performance and fixing common issues. So now you can conveniently play the iconic N64 library that made the 1990s a magical decade for gaming. Turn on Mario and let the nostalgia wash over you!

Here are some final tips to enhance your Project64 experience:

  • Always use legally acquired ROMs you own for the best emulation experience.
  • Take advantage of save states and cheat codes to liven up replay value.
  • Crank up the internal resolution for crystal clear, smooth visuals way beyond the original N64 graphics.
  • Connect your modern or classic gamepad for natural, responsive controls.
  • Join netplay sessions and play online multiplayer with friends worldwide.
  • Check the Project64 wiki for game-specific tweaks and fixes as needed.
  • Follow the Project64 forums and subreddit for the latest news and discussion.
  • Support the Project64 developers through donations or contributing code.

So set aside your N64, blow on those cartridges one last time for nostalgia, and dive into your favorite classics on PC with Project64 – the definitive way to replay the magic of N64!

Frequently Asked Questions About Project64

Many people new to Project64 have similar questions about using the emulator. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions:

Q: Is Project64 legal to use?

Project64 is 100% legal open-source software. However, you should only use ROM images from games you physically own. Downloading or distributing copyrighted ROMs is illegal.

Q: Does Project64 work on Mac or Linux?

Unfortunately, Project64 is Windows-only. But some alternatives like Mupen64Plus work cross-platform.

Q: Can Project64 play N64 game discs?

No, Project64 only works with ROM images. Physical N64 cartridges and discs do not work.

Q: Why do some games lag or run slowly?

Try using a different graphics plugin, lowering resolution, or enabling game-specific fixes. Overclocking your CPU may also help significantly.

Q: How can I connect my Xbox/PS4 controller to Project64?

Go into Input Plugin settings. You should be able to map modern gamepads like any Xinput controller.

Q: Where can I find cheats like GameShark codes?

Many cheat code databases exist online. Start with the Project64 cheats section on their website.

Q: Can I play Wii or GameCube games on Project64?

No, Project64 only emulates N64 games and hardware. Use the Dolphin emulator for GC/Wii games.

Q: How do I set up netplay multiplayer gaming?

Port forward UDP ports 4455-4459, enable netplay in settings, and join/host sessions. Lower netplay latency for better performance.

Q: Why can’t I save my game progress?

Make sure your ROM dump matches the original cart SRAM size. Enabling Save Type Game Default may help.

Q: What are the best games to play on Project64?

Some of the best and most popular include Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Mario Kart 64, Smash Bros, GoldenEye, and many more!


Project64 remains the gold standard for playing your favorite N64 games on PC. With this complete guide, you now have the knowledge to get set up and start enjoying the incredible library of N64 classics that truly made Nintendo 64 one of the greatest home video game consoles of all time.

So download Project64, acquire some legal ROMs for titles you own, tweak the settings, and step back into your childhood. Whether your favorite is Zelda, Mario, 007, or another classic franchise, Project64 makes it simple and fun to replay these unforgettable gems from a legendary era of gaming history. Game on!

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